
Showing posts from July, 2023

Strategies for Succeeding in the B2B Trade Marketplace

  Although the internet has been around for thirty years, business-to-business trade and services are still rooted in the past. Most businesses still don't employ contemporary software. It's becoming more crucial for businesses to have a strong presence in online marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart as the business world continues to digitise. Therefore, if you want to beat the competition and make sure your business is booming in the coming years, you need to use market strategies. But it can be overwhelming to know where to begin with so many options available. Therefore, if you want to beat the competition and make sure your business is booming in the coming years, you need to use market strategies. But it can be overwhelming to know where to begin with so many options available. We have noted down some of the strategies for succeeding in the B2B trade marketplace to run your business smoothly. What is a B2B marketplace? A B2B marketplace, or business-to-business marketpla...

Navigating the B2B Agriculture Marketplace: A Comprehensive Guide

  By utilising cutting-edge and novel technologies, agritech startups are building robust business-to-business (B2B) marketplaces in an effort to strengthen the end-to-end supply chain in agricultural food systems and production. The industry is ready to take advantage of new opportunities after suffering a significant setback during the pandemic by offering benefits like high-quality products at affordable prices and reliable delivery schedules, along with crucial standard credit terms. Another benefit of rapid digitization is the ability to build a strong, interconnected network. Businesses can now find new prospects, customers, and suppliers while also addressing the daily issues faced by farmers. Farmers can now use their networks to access precise information, techniques, and efficiencies for both pre-harvest and post-harvest applications. Additionally, these markets offer a vast range of opportunities for purchases and sales. Let us navigate our way into the B2B agriculture ...

How to Leverage an Online B2B Marketplace for Maximum Impact

  Although the internet has been around for thirty years, business-to-business trade and services are still rooted in the past. Most businesses still don't employ contemporary software. Founders and VCs attempted to bring many B2B marketplaces online 20 years ago with much fanfare. It was a colossal failure (more on this is covered in the essay's conclusion). After 20 years, a lot has changed, and B2B marketplaces are finally beginning to function. We note the following general causes: 1. Online shopping has become commonplace for consumers. When making a B2B purchase at work, people anticipate the same interface. 2. There is now a financial infrastructure that wasn't there before. 3. The internet is much larger in scope, which means there are more opportunities for liquidity. During the initial boom of B2B marketplaces, there were only about 300 million internet users. 4. IoT and mobile device prevalence Now that the supply and data are easier to enter into the system, au...

Why is an Online Market Important for Farmers in India?

  One thing is certain: following the lockdown, the way business is expected to be done is expected to undergo a tectonic shift. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been advocating for an independent India. Agribusiness will undergo a fundamental change, just like other industries that are fueled by technology. Due to the direct cash-in-hand security, many farmers still favour selling their produce traditionally. It is evidently time to actively alter their mindset and include them in technological endeavours. In order to achieve inclusive growth in India, it is critical to increase agricultural productivity and support higher farmer incomes. Over 50% of people who are working-age work in agriculture, which is estimated to contribute more than 15% of GDP. Farmers often lack strong market connections and struggle to obtain fair prices for their crops, which are two obstacles that prevent them from earning higher incomes and productivity. Kisaan Trade brings to you an article emphasisi...