Where can I sell the agricultural goods I produce?

India is an agricultural nation, and either directly or indirectly, one third of the population is reliant on the industry. Since food is a necessity for all living things, commercializing agricultural production has received a lot of attention. The primary focus of agricultural marketing is the purchase and sale of agricultural goods. When the village economy was more or less self-sufficient in the past, marketing agricultural products was not a problem because the farmer would sell his produce to the consumer for cash or in exchange for goods.

Before reaching the consumer, agricultural marketing in the modern era must go through a number of exchanges or transfers from one person to another. This involves the following three marketing activities: assembly, preparation for consumption, and distribution.

Any agricultural product's ability to be sold depends on a number of variables, including the product's current demand and storage space accessibility. The goods may be immediately sold in the market or temporarily stored locally. Furthermore, the farmer or the village merchant may clean, grade, and process it before selling it as it is taken from the field. Processing may be done to preserve a product's quality or because consumers request it.

Agriculture Marketing's Importance

• Because agricultural products are perishable, a harvest that is not sold in a timely manner is wasted. Every wasted harvest represents a cost in terms of land, water, labour, and storage, with no return on investment.

• Weather changes and harvests in distant parts of the world can have a big impact on agricultural prices, making them quite unpredictable.

• Farmers want protection from price fluctuations as well as higher prices for their produce. They might also try to create new markets or distribution routes, like selling directly to consumers as opposed to producers.

Functions of Agriculture Marketing

• Exchange Functions: Buying, Selling, Storage

• Physical Functions: Transportation, Processing, and Standardization

• Facilitating Functions: Financing, Risk-Bearing, Market Intelligence

The agribusiness sector depends on the traits of agricultural products, which are as follows:

• Quality: Food producers aim to create a preference for their goods by differentiating them in a way that matters to customers in order to build a successful business.

• Cost: The food industry is able to locate the lowest-cost source for any given level of quality thanks to improved global raw material search capabilities.

• Non-seasonality: Agricultural products are typically produced and distributed in a seasonal manner.

• Reliability: A manufacturer who has made significant investments in establishing his brand will be eager to obtain supplies that are reliable in terms of quality, timing, and cost.

• Processing: The food industry will be expected to provide products that are easier to process. Just like every industry, reductions in the costs of capital equipment, wages, and inventories are important objectives.

AMIS is a global organisation that facilitates the exchange of information about price trends and the prices of agricultural products in different nations. The Global Food Market Information Group, which is made up of technical representatives from the nations taking part in AMIS, works for the agriculture market information system. It is in charge of regularly disseminating accurate, timely, and comparable information about the supply and demand situation, its likely short-term development, and the prices of the AMIS crops. Additionally, it arranges the timely gathering of national policy developments that might affect the state and prospects of the market. AMIS's main data items are summarized in tables on the website that displays statistics. There are stocks for production, supply, use, trade, and closing.

Do you comprehend the thoughts and actions of farmers?

The Marketing to Farmers report offers helpful insights to assist you in better knowing and comprehending your target audience.

A survey revealed the precise times that the vast majority of farmers use the internet, as well as how frequently they engage in different online activities. The agricultural sector is distinct. It is crucial to take into account the times that the farmers you are aiming for are online. This will assist your company in reaching the appropriate audience at the appropriate time and location. driving actual results for your business.

The level of engagement from farmers on social media varies across platforms and channels and shifts with the industry's age demographic. According to our report, different age groups of farmers use different social media platforms. It's critical to understand how and where your core audience uses social media. Posting at strategic times will guarantee that the right audience sees and engages with your social media content.

10 Techniques for Farmers to Locate Markets for Farm Produce

It is advantageous for farmers that the market for agricultural products is expanding quickly. When a farmer is attempting to sell their produce, it can be overwhelming. This is because there are numerous things to take into account when attempting to market your farm's goods. Some of them are logistical, like the kind of packaging you use, the appropriate box size, how you display the products in the store, and even how you handle the media angle. Others are more marketing-focused, like identifying your target market and learning what they want.

1. Fill the Market's Gap

A new market niche can be developed in one of two ways. One is to close a void in the current market. The second is to open up a brand-new market. Both strategies have benefits and drawbacks, but if you want to be successful, you must pick one or the other.

• Filling a void in the market: This strategy entails offering a product that enhances or replaces an already-available one in order to give customers more options and better value for their money. Farmers may sell their own milk, milk from other farms, or milk from their own cows to make cheese, for instance.

• Making a new market: This strategy entails developing a product that is currently unavailable on the market. Growing a specific type of vegetable or keeping chickens that produce eggs with dark yolks could suffice (the latter being more expensive than white ones).

2. Provide Rebates

A quick market is necessary for farmers' produce, especially perishable produce. In actuality, farmers resemble the rest of us quite a bit. They frequently don't know what they should be doing and simply don't have the time to figure it out. Discounts are the best way to increase sales quickly.

3. Providing local women's groups with gift baskets

Sending gift baskets to neighbourhood women's groups can help farmers find markets. Gift baskets are a wonderful way to introduce consumers to farmers' products. Gift baskets give farmers a chance to interact with customers and raise the likelihood that they will sell their produce.

Agricultural products like tomatoes, onions, and vegetables can be used to make gift packages, among other materials. You can affix a card inviting them to come directly to your farm and purchase your produce.

4. Farmers Market

The foundation of agricultural communities is the farm market. They give farmers the chance to market their goods directly to customers, connect with other nearby farmers who might be interested in selling their goods, and spur demand for them in their communities.

When you don't have a lot of money to build a store, these places are a great way to find markets for your farm products. These markets are great for selling produce and other products because they offer low prices and give you a chance to see what the public is interested in. Observing how others market can help you improve your own efforts.

5. Agricultural competitions and expos

A lot of farmers attend agricultural trade shows because they can showcase their goods there and network with potential customers. The Nairobi Agricultural Show recently took place in Jamhuri Park. This made it possible for a lot of farmers and agricultural innovators to connect with and sell to customers who were passionate about their products.

6. Establish connections with suppliers and other farmers

Establish connections with other local farmers who raise livestock or crops that are similar to those that you do so that you can aid one another in promoting your brands and products through joint advertising initiatives. Farmers can also use people who are already in the industry to find a market for their goods. You must first establish connections with retailers and clients in order to sell the products directly from the farm.

Most regional distributors and retailers assist farmers in finding a ready market for their goods. The majority of local farmers sell their goods in this manner.

7. Direct Selling

The best way for farmers to connect with potential customers is through direct marketing. Sending out flyers, postcards, and newsletters is one of these strategies. Farmers can also set up booths at gatherings like fairs and festivals where attendees may be interested in buying their wares.

Additionally, you can discover what your neighbourhood farmer's market needs. As you can speak with customers directly to learn what they need and want, this is the simplest way to get started. Speaking with them about it will also reveal information about their production practices, tastes, and preferences.

8. Online social networking

It's difficult to imagine life without social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as part of your daily routine because social media has become such a huge part of our daily lives. These websites are used by farmers as a quick and convenient way to connect with people and inform them about their operations and goods.

By posting information about what they produce and where they sell it, farmers and other people with an interest in farming or agriculture can use social media platforms to find the markets they need. These platforms allow users to post a variety of content, such as pictures of farm animals, plants, and other items; videos that demonstrate how specific plants or animals were raised or harvested; and links to websites where additional information about certain types of plants is offered.

9. Billboard, radio, and television advertising

The sale of products still heavily relies on conventional advertising. Many audiences continue to watch television, listen to local radio stations, and see advertisements on billboards. Some farmers produce a lot; as a result, they need to find new customers and ensure that they are getting the most out of their crops. The best ways to reach your target customer are through this type of advertising.

Farmers use a variety of strategies to locate markets for their products, but it's crucial to understand which ones will work best for your farm. Because a certain type of produce doesn't taste good or looks bad, some people might not want it. Others might not want them because of how they appear or smell. Finding a strong market for your products will be easier the more knowledge you have about what consumers want.

Kisaan Trade

An online B2B (business-to-business) marketplace called KisaanTrade links buyers and sellers of agricultural goods and services. It is based in India. Among the many agricultural goods and services available on the platform are seeds, fertiliser, pesticides, machinery, and agricultural consulting services. It was established in 2017 with the goal of giving farmers and agribusinesses a one-stop shop for obtaining dependable suppliers of high-quality agricultural goods and services at reasonable costs.

Additionally, Kisaan Trade offers a number of features that are intended to make the buying and selling process easier for both buyers and sellers. These include real-time inventory updates, secure payment methods, a search and filtering system that helps users find the products they need quickly, and customer support services.


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